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Infant Age

In our infant program we follow each child's individual schedule so that curriculum and schedules happen naturally and differently each day. Activities are based on the child's interests and abilities. 


Some examples of the activities you will see are:

* Music and Movement                    *Cause and effect toys

* Baby sign language                       *Singing songs and finger plays

*Exposure to soft block building     *Reading books

*Receiving lots of love and attention

Toddler Age

Curriculum truly begins in our Toddler program. Children are now upright walking, eating table food and taking only one nap a day. They begin to follow more of a schedule where friends participate in some of the same activities at the same time. 

Milestones focused on in the Toddler experience:

*Increasing language development                *Developing fine motor control

*Interest in joining group of children             *Learning songs

*Increased ability to communicate verbally  *Ability to problem solve 

*The need for routine                                       *Demonstrating independent skills

*Awareness of self and others                        *Desire to explore environment freely

Preschool Age

In our Preschool program, Guided Discovery™ Curriculum prepares your child for a lifetime of learning by introducing children to learning centers that encompass a wide range of activities. Children are introduced to math, language, reading, social and physical skills through creative, interactive activities. In addition we continue to help children develop and use their self-esteem and independence skills.

Milestones to focus on in the Preschool experience:

* Patterning
* Sorting by shape, size and color
* Understanding cause and effect and beginning to problem solve
* Basic counting
* Making predictions based on simple information
* Recognizing own name and other letters in print
* Showing a genuine interest in reading books with adults
* Speaking in front of a small group
* Recalling events from an activity
* Artwork becoming more refined and beginning to resemble symbols


Milestones we focus on in Pre-K include:

We offer children fun opportunities to develop social, physical, emotional and cognitive skills.

* Patterning and sequencing
* Simple math
* Understanding size differences (big, small, short, tall, more and less)
* Counting, printing and recognizing numerals
* Verbally spelling and printing first name and introducing last name
* Recalling events from a story
* Speaking in front of a group of peers (show and tell)
* Describing events in a photo
* Attempting to spell and read simple words
* Using problem solving skills in a group
* Fine tuning large and small motor skills
* Independent problem solving
* Confidence in a school setting
* Secure separation from parents
* Reinforcing self help skills
* Enhancing social skills with peers and adults

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